Monday, September 24, 2012

Rotary Club of Ocean Grove Inc.: Vol: 31 No: 13

September Theme: New Generations

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Notice of Meeting for the Rotary Club of Ocean Grove

18 The Terrace, Ocean Grove.

Tuesday, 25th September 2012, 6.00 for 6.30p.m

Speaker: Catherine Eagleson, RC Drysdale Crosswords for Fun?Play Free Puzzles online

Chairman: Rod Bush.???????????

Greeter and Assistant Sergeant: Tony Haines

Assistant Cashier and Thanker: Gordon King

Weekly Raffle: Ian Bent.

Birthday and Anniversaries: Nil

Notice of Meeting for the Rotary Club of Ocean Grove

18 The Terrace, Ocean Grove.

This is a partners night so remember to apologize if you or partner is/are not attending.

Tuesday, 2nd October, 2012, 6.00 for 6.30p.m

Speaker: Majella O'Connor. Topic: Eye Health Issues.

Chairman: Geoff Chandler.

Assistant Cashier and Thanker: John Wynn.

Greeter and Assistant Sergeant: Wal Kelly.

Weekly Raffle: John Dodgshun

Birthdays and Anniversaries: 5/10 Fred and Wilma Andrews, 6/10 Marion and Bill Walton.

Notice of Meeting for the Rotary Club of Ocean Grove

18 the Terrace, Ocean Grove

Tuesday, 9th October 2012, 6.00p.m for 6.30p.m

Speaker: Aaron Habgood. Organ Transplant film, "The Last Race".

Chairman: Peter Hawthorne.

Assistant Cashier and Thanker: Geoff Brentnall.

Greeter and Assistant Sergeant: Geoff Ford.

Weekly Raffle: Trevor McArdle.

Birthdays and Anniversaries:? 11/10 Patsy Bush, 15/10 Pippa Paton.

Report of the Meeting: 18/9/2012.

President Dick warmly welcomed members and guests of the Lions Club of Barwon Heads and Ocean Grove, as well as his two guests Caroline and Colin, Helen Buttress from the Traders Association was also welcomed.

?Eng Ho who has bought the Laundry services in the Industrial Estate was welcomed again.

The raffle was conducted by the Lions Club with proceeds going to the Fire Brigade.

Notes and reminders:

- The tree planting went very well, with over 2000 trees being planted.

- New generations. Support for a new challenge in science and engineering awards for students in remote areas is needed.

The RYLA Camp is scheduled soon. Please let Ann know if you know anyone between 18-21 years who may be suitable. This is an excellent experience, but it is difficult to fill places.

- Geoff Chandler reminded members about the Shine On Awards. He would be pleased to receive nominations any time.

?- Social Committee. Marion Walton. Negotiations are continuing for a bus to go to Colac for the Birregurra Cup on 6/10/2012.

- Pride in Workmanship Award. Please consider likely recipients for this award. Gerry Spencer would be pleased to hear of any nominations.

- Footy Tipping. Please continue to tip throughout the finals.

- Art Show. Entries are coming in well. Raffle tickets are available from Tony Haines if wanted. A volunteer is required to do the liquor handlers course. Hans will do this.

- Membership. Those people who visited recently should be followed up by their hosts or John Paton in the next couple of weeks.

- Summer Market. This will commence in October at Kingston Park as usual. Jim Ricchini noted that there are quite a few new stallholders interested.

- Look Out Reserve. Noel Emselle circulated the roster for the fortnightly clean up. It does not take long and it makes the reserve appear loved!

- The Ballarat South Car Raffle ticket selling activity is upon us again? please put your names on the list where you can be available as it spreads the load and you will get to know the person you are selling with better.

- The Barwon Heads Fine Music Society is holding its 4th Carnival of Music from 12th to 14th October. Tickets are available exclusively from GPAC, or phone 52251200. The venue is the Barwon Heads Community Hall and the program looks varied and most enjoyable. I have further information if required. (A George.)

- A Concert for seniors is being held on Sunday, 28th October, at 2.00p.m at the Bellarine Church of Christ, 17 Tareeda Way, Ocean Grove. Gold Coin Entry and bookings are essential for catering purposes. Phone Don at 52552398, by 21/10/12.

- Mega Swim. From John Calnin. "On behalf of the team members I would like to thank all who supported us both financially and on the day. It turned out far better than expected and the total raised by the Rotary Team was $12231.00. This was a great achievement! A big thank you goes to family and friends together with the members of Rotary who put their hands in their pockets and raised $745. It is also necessary to thank those who counted laps for us, especially those who got up in the middle of the night. We had some sponsors, John Meagher of 360 Property group who supplied out outfits, Schweppes Drinks for keeping us hydrated and IGA Barwon Heads for fruit etc. Many thanks to all.

I would also like to thank the team, for firstly embracing the project and then getting into the training mode to swim which at the time didn't sound too hard but by lunchtime on Sunday I can assure readers we knew we had been in a Mega event!

Good luck for 2013."

****** Please remember to avail yourselves of the tea and coffee provided during the evening, preferably before the guest speaker commences. *****

Guest Speaker:?

1. Helen Buttriss on the BEAR Program (Business Expansion And Retention program) The business community has given $90,000 to the community in the last few years. There are 120 businesses in our area, 60% of which operate from home as well as the Industrial estate and shop fronts. The program is designed to bring members of the business community together to express their concerns and ideas about what helps and hinders small business. Information will be gathered through the interview process where trained volunteer interviewers will ask set questions to approximately 100 businesses over a three-week period. From the data gathered it is hoped that community building, employment, tourism needs and public amenities and infrastructure will be enhanced. The main aim is to encourage all concerned to work together and to talk to each other, to understand the value of networking and to build better and stronger relationships with Council.

2. Martin Stow who has multiple sclerosis also thanked us for our efforts with the Mega Swim.

Martin is an ex-policeman, who worked with the Yorkshire Constabulary, he enjoyed his time in the police force ? walking the best, talking to people and knowing his community.

He told us how to use a truncheon and a police whistle and the importance of knowing where to get a good cuppa. He told us how to arrest someone and to get an admission of guilt. He was involved with the family of the Yorkshire Ripper and guarding prostitutes at that time. It was during the miner's strikes that he learned trudging and wedging, a very effective means of dissipating aggressive behavior. Practical jokes were rife to defray the boredom, as were the fish and chips especially at night. There were good times and bad times especially when faced with a gun (the police were unarmed). Uniform was important with boots polished. Martin believed this showed respect for the uniform and what it represented. This was a lively talk with lots of humour.

- Note to members ? Apologies must be in by 11a.m. on MONDAY! Notification later than this is of no use. Co-operation with this would be appreciated. Phone number 0457 315 900




current time a thousand words my sisters keeper kirby sarah palin cbi the shins

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