Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Cena Cubana para Pastores por la Paz!! Jueves 11 de julio en Iglesia de la Ascensi?n//Pastors for Peace Cuban dinner!! Thursday, July 11 @ Church of the Ascension

Julio 2013

Pastores por la Paz lanzan acto de desobediencia civil en desafio al bloqueo de EEUU a Cuba?


?En Julio 2013, activistas en mas de 40 ciudades de EEUU, Canada y Mexico estan organizando una semana de actividades como parte de la 24ta Caravana de Amistad.? Como parte de esta desobediencia civil, caravanistas ir?n provistos de ayuda humanitaria, como insulina, la cual es mayormente producida por empresas estadounidenses y por lo tanto dificil para Cuba poder importer.? Tambi?n traer?n herramientas de construcci?n y suministros para ayudar en los esfuerzos de reconstrucci?n en Santiago de Cuba, que fue severamente afectada por el hurac?n Sandy.


Todos est?n invitados a una cena Cubana

(preparada por el ?chef? de la embajada Cubana!)


?Vengan para mostrar solidaridad con Cuba!


Jueves 11 de julio de 2013

Iglesia de la Ascensi?n (253 Echo Drive, cerca del Puente Pretoria)


1800 h. puertas abiertas


1830 h. Cena


Entrada con cena: $10,00


Para mas informaci?n ? Jordan y Juanita?613-729-3662

??????????????????????????????????? ?? Maricarmen y Charles?613-521-1852



Comit? Pastores por la Paz de Ottawa

Association d?amiti? Outaouais-Cuba

Ottawa Cuba Connections

? July 2013

Pastors for Peace launches a new civil disobedience challenge to the US blockade of Cuba



In July 2013, activists from more than 40 cities in the US, Canada and Mexico are organizing a week of activities in support of the 24thFriendshipment to Cuba.? As part of this civil disobedience challenge, caravanistas will carry with them humanitarian aid such as insulin, the majority of which is made by US companies and therefore difficult for Cuba to import.? They will also bring construction tools and supplies to help in the reconstruction efforts in Santiago de Cuba, which was severely affected by Hurricane Sandy.


You are invited to a Cuban dinner

(prepared by the Chef of the Cuban Embassy!)


Come show your solidarity with Cuba!


Thursday, July 11, 2013

Church of the Ascension

(253 Echo Drive, near Pretoria Bridge)


Doors open at 6:00 pm

Dinner at 6:30 pm


Tickets: $10,00


For more information ? Jordan & Joan?613-729-3662

??????????????????????????????????? ?? Maricarmen & Charles?613-521-1852



Ottawa Pastors for Peace Organizing Committee

Association d?amiti? Outaouais-Cuba

Ottawa Cuba Connections

Source: http://martianos.ning.com/xn/detail/4894614%3ABlogPost%3A31051

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